Monday, August 6, 2012

Old Postcard - Dock

I just love this old postcard I found in the stack I bought at the "estate sale".

When I first looked at the picture, I thought it was an ordinary "people-playing-on-dock" shot. Then I looked closer.

The men on the dock are all dressed up - suits, ties, bowler hats.
The women are apparently in swim suits - but they're not swimming.
They're each in their own BARREL, bare legs hanging over the edges!
I really wish I knew the story behind this picture.
As for the date ... most of the postcards I bought that day are dated (either marked or researched) between 1900 and 1920 - so I'm going to assume this one is between those dates.
Ah, if only these cards could talk - what stories I would hear!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wash Day Postcard

As an advertised "estate sale" - it was a washout.
Maybe four tables full of overpriced junk that was old, on a patio outside of a touristy shop full of more overpriced junk that was new.

Then I spied the stack of old postcards.
From the early 1900's!

Like this wonderful picture card showing two ladies dressed in their Sunday finest to do the weekly laundry.

I am fascinated by the "washing machine" - complete with "agitator" and "wringer"!
The family must have been fairly affluent to afford such a newfangled device!!!

And don't you just love the barn and rail fence in the background?

Beth over at "The Best Hearts Are Crunchy" is hosting "Postcard Friendship Friday"
(Did you know today is Domestic Goddess Day???
 I didn't either! But this postcard is perfect!!!)