Friday, August 3, 2012

Wash Day Postcard

As an advertised "estate sale" - it was a washout.
Maybe four tables full of overpriced junk that was old, on a patio outside of a touristy shop full of more overpriced junk that was new.

Then I spied the stack of old postcards.
From the early 1900's!

Like this wonderful picture card showing two ladies dressed in their Sunday finest to do the weekly laundry.

I am fascinated by the "washing machine" - complete with "agitator" and "wringer"!
The family must have been fairly affluent to afford such a newfangled device!!!

And don't you just love the barn and rail fence in the background?

Beth over at "The Best Hearts Are Crunchy" is hosting "Postcard Friendship Friday"
(Did you know today is Domestic Goddess Day???
 I didn't either! But this postcard is perfect!!!)


  1. What a wonderful find! And, as you say, perfect for today. :)

  2.'re right--this is a marvelous postcard. Can you imagine doing the laundry in that get up?! Happy PFF and Happy Domestic Goddess Day!

    lol Love you, Sissy--if I wasn't feeling so lousy today, I'd be over to give you a hug in person.

  3. what a BRILLIANT match for today's theme! let's all thank the Domestic Goddess for washing machines, eh?!

  4. Great card. I used to play with the *skeleton* of one of these old washing machines. It was outside and I think I made it my pretend icebox! As you can guess, a very very very long time ago! Domestic goddesses unite! Happy PFF!

  5. Oh, how I love old photos...I get in a mood and can spend hours looking at them on line.

  6. That's a great card. You are lucky someone didn't decide that the cards were junk and throw them away.

  7. If she had an extraordinary amount of laundry, she could hang the excess on the fence!

    Winding Fence

  8. Oh this is a gem. I love it! And so appropriate for todays feast day.

  9. I didn't know that earlier models of washing machines existed such as this one! Thanks for posting this card. Happy weekend.

  10. I've never seen a washing machine like that! My grandmother had one with a wringer, but it looked a lot different that this one.

  11. Love your site...I'm following, but would also really like to follow by email. Have you thought about adding that feature?

